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UNECE region reviews Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration
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Global Compact on Migration

UNECE region reviews Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration

Iceland ratifies the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006, as amended (MLC, 2006)
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Maritime Labour Convention

Iceland ratifies the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006, as amended (MLC, 2006)

Iceland is the 92nd Member State of the ILO to have ratified the Convention.

Iceland ratifies the Promotional Framework for Occupational Safety and Health Convention, 2006 (No. 187)
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Occupational Safety and Health

Iceland ratifies the Promotional Framework for Occupational Safety and Health Convention, 2006 (No. 187)

Member countries sign ratifications during ILC
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106th Session of the International Labour Conference

Member countries sign ratifications during ILC

During the 2017 International Labour Conference, the Governments of several member countries across the Region have expressed their high commitment to Decent Work and agreed International Labour Standards.

Iceland ratifies the 2014 Protocol to the 1930 ILO Forced Labour Convention, as part of a renewed global effort to eradicate all forms of forced labour
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Forced labour

Iceland ratifies the 2014 Protocol to the 1930 ILO Forced Labour Convention, as part of a renewed global effort to eradicate all forms of forced labour