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Ensuring safety and health at work in a changing climate
Climate change is having serious impacts on the safety and health of workers. © Nguyễn ViệtThanh/ILO

Ensuring safety and health at work in a changing climate

Climate change is a real threat to worker safety across the Asia-Pacific region. To mark World Day for Safety and Health at Work 2024, ILO Assistant Director-General and Regional Director for Asia and the Pacific Chihoko Asada-Miyakawa explains what needs to change.

International Labour Day and World Day for Safety and Health observed in Afghanistan
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International Labour Day and World Day for Safety and Health

International Labour Day and World Day for Safety and Health observed in Afghanistan

Event highlights challenging situation faced by both workers and employers across the country and need for Social Justice.

Afghanistan would benefit from Just Transition to Green Economy workshop hears
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Green jobs

Afghanistan would benefit from Just Transition to Green Economy workshop hears

Priority areas and challenges to change discussed for a Just Transition that could provide long-term benefits to the country and its people.

Women bear brunt of Afghanistan job losses
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Female employment

Women bear brunt of Afghanistan job losses

Female employment levels in Afghanistan have fallen steeply since the Taliban administration took over in 2021, according to new figures released by the ILO.

ILO continues to promote International Labour Standards in Afghanistan
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ILO continues to promote International Labour Standards in Afghanistan

Workshop brings together ILO constituents as efforts continue to improve labour standards in the country despite crisis situation.

ILO estimates underscore Afghanistan employment crisis
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Rapid assessment

ILO estimates underscore Afghanistan employment crisis

A rapid assessment by the International Labour Organization highlights huge losses in jobs and working hours since the change in administration with women workers especially hard hit.

An Innovative Way to Explore the City
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An Innovative Way to Explore the City

Yulia Savchenko, Air of Kherson – Ukraine

Starting with a clean slate and only drying-up to attend clients' needs
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Starting with a clean slate and only drying-up to attend clients' needs

Nonkululeko Mdlalose, Skip It Laundry – South Africa

A space where teenagers learn what is not taught in schools
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A space where teenagers learn what is not taught in schools

Yulia Yevdokimova, Teenagers Brovary Hub - Ukraine

Young female entrepreneur strives to transform the medical sector in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq
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Young female entrepreneur strives to transform the medical sector in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq

Nasreen Hassan - Iraq

Transforming Food Waste into Animal Feeds in Tanzania
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Transforming Food Waste into Animal Feeds in Tanzania

Emanuel Kungu, Afri-EcoFeeds - Tanzania

Women’s Fashion from Remote Egypt to the World
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Women’s Fashion from Remote Egypt to the World

Dina Emad, Boho Designs – Egypt

Environmentally Sustainable and Inclusive Entrepreneurship in Algeria
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Environmentally Sustainable and Inclusive Entrepreneurship in Algeria

Omar Berarma, Elomaria Africa SOS Environment – Algeria

Releasing Creativity and Imagination: An Inclusive Arts Space for “Grown Up Children”
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Releasing Creativity and Imagination: An Inclusive Arts Space for “Grown Up Children”

Tetyana Kostorna, Chemodan Art Club - Ukraine

SUP in Ukrainian Kherson Floodplains
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SUP in Ukrainian Kherson Floodplains

Kateryna Belyovtseva, ON SUP – Ukraine

Joint UN Programme To Support Collaboration and Effective Labour Migration Governance Launched on Eve of International Migrants Day
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Joint UN Programme To Support Collaboration and Effective Labour Migration Governance Launched on Eve of International Migrants Day

The programme will work closely with the 12 member states of the Colombo Process to facilitate international co-operation on labour migration issues across South, South East and East Asia.

Herat’s growing rug factory: creating jobs for 30 women in Afghanistan
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Herat’s growing rug factory: creating jobs for 30 women in Afghanistan

Farima Azimi, Herat Rug Swing Factory - Afghanistan

Skilling migrants: A triple win for government, migrant workers and employers
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Skilling migrants: A triple win for government, migrant workers and employers

The International Labour Organization calls for collaboration and knowledge sharing among key stakeholders to ensure skills training and recognition for migrant workers.

A Coaching Programme for Youth in Fragile Settings
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A Coaching Programme for Youth in Fragile Settings

“A Coaching Programme for Youth in Fragile Settings: a Training of Coaches” has opened today in New Delhi. At the opening ceremony, participants were welcomed by Dr Sher Verick, ILO Country Office Deputy Director. The programme is composed of a face-to-face workshop which runs from 9 to 12 May 2017 and which will be followed by a distance learning component, then by a second face-to-face component in November 2017. Both workshops will take place in India Habitat Centre, New Delhi, thanks to the precious support of the ILO India Country Office and Decent Work Country Team. The contents and training materials for the programme were developed by the ITCILO and the Development Alchemists.

Training programme for Afghanistan – Week 4: Entrepreneurship
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Training programme for Afghanistan – Week 4: Entrepreneurship

The fourth module of the One Year Training Programme on Employment Policies: Moving from Fragility to Resilience – Tailored for Afghanistan has officially started today in New Delhi. The module, which focuses on Entrepreneurship, will run until 26 May and sees the participation of 26 representatives of the Afghan Government as well as of Workers’ and Employers’ organizations.