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Sustainable and Resilient Enterprises Training of Trainers in Botswana
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Sustainable and Resilient Enterprises Training of Trainers in Botswana

The Bureau for Employers' Activities of the ILO (ACT/EMP) and the International Training Centre of the ILO support the the development of the Sustainable and Resilient Enterprises (SURE) program in Botswana

Botswana ratifies two key conventions on labour inspection
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Labour Inspection

Botswana ratifies two key conventions on labour inspection

Botswana is the 149th country to ratify Convention No. 81 and the 56th to ratify Convention No. 129 promoting an effective system of labour inspection in commerce and industry, as well as agriculture.

Just transition - thumb
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Just transition - thumb

AU, ILO and UNICEF mark the World Day against Child Labour in Africa
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AU, ILO and UNICEF mark the World Day against Child Labour in Africa

The African Union, ILO and UNICEF organized a virtual Continental event to mark the World Day against Child Labour. The event brought together key actors, to discuss strategies to address child labour, taking a holistic and systemic approach based on the 2020 Global Estimates on Child Labour and related recommendations, which had been launched by the ILO and UNICEF on 10 June.

Opening remarks by Ms Cynthia Samuel-Olonjuwon, ILO Assistant Director-General, Regional Director for Africa at the event to mark the World Day Against Child Labour in Africa
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Opening remarks by Ms Cynthia Samuel-Olonjuwon, ILO Assistant Director-General, Regional Director for Africa at the event to mark the World Day Against Child Labour in Africa

I commit the Office to work as one ILO to mainstream child labour issues into all relevant areas of work of the Abidjan Declaration implementation plan, in order to maximize our contribution to ending child labour in Africa. We will work closely with our tripartite Constituents to do so

Media Advisory- Event to mark the World Day Against Child Labour in Africa
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Media Advisory- Event to mark the World Day Against Child Labour in Africa

Join us for a regional virtual event to commemorate the World Day against Child Labour.

Gender-responsive Just Transition Country Analysis: Opportunities and Challenges for a Just Transition in Botswana
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Gender-responsive Just Transition Country Analysis: Opportunities and Challenges for a Just Transition in Botswana

Request for proposals

Interview with Edgar Parnell, Cooperative Practitioner
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ILO COOP 100 Interview

Interview with Edgar Parnell, Cooperative Practitioner

Established in March 1920, the ILO’s Cooperatives Unit marks its Centenary in 2020. On this occasion, the ILO COOP 100 Interview series features past and present ILO colleagues and key partners who were closely engaged in the ILO's work on cooperatives and the wider social and solidarity economy (SSE). The interviews reflect on their experience and contributions in the past and shares their thoughts on the future of cooperatives and the SSE in a changing world of work.

Botswana Decent Work Country Programme
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Botswana Decent Work Country Programme

BDWCP 2020-2024

Gender-responsive Just Transition Country Analysis: Opportunities and Challenges for a Just Transition in Botswana
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Gender-responsive Just Transition Country Analysis: Opportunities and Challenges for a Just Transition in Botswana

Request for proposals

« 100 YEARS – 100 LIVES » | BOTSWANA - “ILO action has led to a complete review of labour laws in Botswana”
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« 100 YEARS – 100 LIVES » | BOTSWANA - “ILO action has led to a complete review of labour laws in Botswana”

Botswana has started a complete review of its labour laws to make them compatible with international labour standards.

Botswana Federation of Trade Unions Workshop
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Botswana Federation of Trade Unions Workshop

BFTU and ILO Collaboration

Botswana - ILO dialogue on strenghtening cooperation in 2014/2015
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Botswana - ILO dialogue on strenghtening cooperation in 2014/2015

The ILO Pretoria Office and the Ministry of Labour and Home Affairs of Botswana discussed ways and means to enhance areas of cooperation in the framework of the 2011-2015 Decent Work Country Program.

Managing Labour Force Survey Data in SADC Countries
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Managing Labour Force Survey Data in SADC Countries

An interactive workshop hosted by the ILO to strengthen the technical capacity in the use of survey data for labour market information and analysis in SADC countries.

African judges’ labour of law
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Gender equality

African judges’ labour of law

The ILO helps 25 African judges fight sex discrimination in the courts but cultural challenges remain the biggest obstacle for some.

How Much Does Business Really Bring to HIV Response? Quantifying In-Kind and Financial Contributions of the Private Sector
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How Much Does Business Really Bring to HIV Response? Quantifying In-Kind and Financial Contributions of the Private Sector