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Leadership and management training for ILO staff in Eastern Europe and Central Asia
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Leadership and management training for ILO staff in Eastern Europe and Central Asia

Director, specialists and programme officer of the International Labour Organization (ILO) Office for Eastern Europe and Central Asia gathered to undertake leadership and management training in the context of multiple crises. The exercise served to enhance skills for effective teamwork and use of technologies that enable multi-stakeholder collaboration from various locations.

ILO team for Eastern Europe and Central Asia: foreseeing trends for the next biennium
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ILO team for Eastern Europe and Central Asia: foreseeing trends for the next biennium

23-24 November 2023, TASHKENT – The ILO staff gathered here to take part in an innovative Foresight exercise facilitated by ITC ILO. The exercise served to foster team spirit, reflect on working modalities internally and externally - with the constituents and partners, and deliver on ILO mandate - decent work and social justice.

ILO experts and trade unions in Central Asia discuss workplace safety in the region
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ILO experts and trade unions in Central Asia discuss workplace safety in the region

On June 23, 2023 a two-day Regional Conference of Trade Unions of Central Asia on “The role of trade unions in ensuring occupational safety and health and the effective functioning of the labour inspectorate” opened in Astana. It was organized by the Federation of Trade Unions of Kazakhstan under the auspices of the International Labour Organization.

ILO team for Eastern Europe and Central Asia: plans for the next biennium defined
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ILO team for Eastern Europe and Central Asia: plans for the next biennium defined

22-24 February 2023, TASHKENT – ILO conducted its programming meeting for the Decent Work Team and Country Office for Eastern Europe and Central Asia to discuss plans for 2023 and formulate strategy for 2024-2025. The team aimed to define a strategic vision for the office for the new biennium in the relevant technical areas considering the current challenges and opportunities.

The role of trade unions in Central Asia in mitigating the consequences of natural disasters and conflicts in the region
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The role of trade unions in Central Asia in mitigating the consequences of natural disasters and conflicts in the region

Participants of the sub-regional trade union workshop in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan (7-9 July 2022) discussed how to promote peace, prevent crises, ensure recovery and build resilience, including emergencies, including those associated with the pandemic, through social dialogue and other means of collective action COVID-19.

Trade unions look into reducing informality
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Trade unions look into reducing informality

On July 5-6, 2022, a training workshop was held in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, on workers' organizations and unionization of workers in the informal economy.

Kazakhstan ratifies the Part-Time Work Convention, 1994 (No. 175)
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Part-Time Work

Kazakhstan ratifies the Part-Time Work Convention, 1994 (No. 175)

ILO Moscow all-staff motivational team building event
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ILO Moscow all-staff motivational team building event

The online all-staff motivational event took place on 15 and 17 November 2021.

Three Employers’ Organizations Launch Their New Websites
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Three Employers’ Organizations Launch Their New Websites

All three websites – in Armenia, Georgia and Kazakhstan – were developed with the expertise and know-how of the International Labour Organization (ILO).

Kazakhstan’s Ministry of Labour and Social Protection and the ILO Have Discussed Cooperation Plans for 2022
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Kazakhstan’s Ministry of Labour and Social Protection and the ILO Have Discussed Cooperation Plans for 2022

Akmadi Sarbasov started off by stressing the importance of cooperation between the ILO and Kazakhstan. While 24 conventions were ratified and the underlying obligations integrated into the national legislation over the period of cooperation, Kazakhstan is currently in progress of becoming a party to Convention No. 175 on part-time work.

ILO Launches a Flagship Course for Social Partners to Boost Interaction with UN System
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ILO Launches a Flagship Course for Social Partners to Boost Interaction with UN System

On 8-24 September 2021, the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the International Training Center in Turin (ITCILO) organized an online training for social partners under the title of “Making the voices of social partners count in UN processes”. The course sought to build the capacities of the social partners in the sub-region to actively participate in the UN reform processes at the national level and meaningfully contribute to the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Challenges and prospects of the remuneration system discussed in Kazakhstan
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Challenges and prospects of the remuneration system discussed in Kazakhstan

On July 23, Kazakhstan hosted an international round table entitled “The system of remuneration of labour in the Republic of Kazakhstan: challenges and prospects for improvement” It was organized by the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Kazakhstan (FTURK ) and the International Labour Organization (ILO).

Kazakhstan: Combating Child Labour Discussed at Ministry of Labour
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Kazakhstan: Combating Child Labour Discussed at Ministry of Labour

On the eve of the World Day Against Child Labour, the Coordination Council to Combat the Worst Forms of Child Labour has held its meeting at the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Kazakhstan.

ILO Moscow Manual for Public Employment Services
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ILO Moscow Manual for Public Employment Services

Statement by the ILO Regional Director for Europe and Central Asia, Heinz Koller

ILO Presents a Flagship Training Manual for Public Employment Services
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ILO Presents a Flagship Training Manual for Public Employment Services

The ILO Decent Work Technical Support Team and Country Office for Eastern Europe and Central Asia is pleased to announce the launch of its flagship publication “Public Employment Services and the Future of Work. Training Manual for the CIS Regional Network for Youth Employment Promotion”.

The 2021-2023 General Agreement Between Government and Nationwide Employer and Worker Associations Signed In Kazakhstan
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The 2021-2023 General Agreement Between Government and Nationwide Employer and Worker Associations Signed In Kazakhstan

On March 12, 2021 the National Tripartite Commission for social partnership and regulation of social and industrial relations chaired by Kazakhstan’s Deputy Prime Minister Eraly Tugzhanov held a meeting at which social partners signed the 2021-2023 General Agreement between the Government and nationwide associations of workers and employers.

Regional Alliance of Labour Inspections of CIS and Mongolia Holds General Conference
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Regional Alliance of Labour Inspections of CIS and Mongolia Holds General Conference

On December 23, 2020 the Regional Alliance of Labour Inspections of the CIS and Mongolia (RALI CIS and Mongolia) held its General Conference which went online for the first time. The event was attended by the Alliance representatives from Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and the ILO Moscow Office.

ILO priorities during the pandemic and beyond: Subregional programming meeting
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ILO priorities during the pandemic and beyond: Subregional programming meeting

How to organize activity of the International Labour Organization during the pandemic and beyond? What experience has been accumulated in the past year? What are the lessons learned? These issues were high on the agenda of the ILO Subregional Meeting.

UNECE region reviews Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration
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Global Compact on Migration

UNECE region reviews Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration

Partnerships between Public Employment Services and Employer and Business Membership Organizations save jobs and help enterprises remain sustainable
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Partnerships between Public Employment Services and Employer and Business Membership Organizations save jobs and help enterprises remain sustainable

On 7 October 2020, ILO Moscow conducted the second of five training webinars devoted to the PES Role in Overcoming the COVID-19 Crisis and the Future of Work. PES representatives and practitioners from the Commonwealth of Independent States, international experts and ILO officials discussed and exchanged good practices on how PES are adapting their communication and programmes with enterprises to better respond to the COVID-19 crisis.