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Ensuring safety and health at work in a changing climate
Climate change is having serious impacts on the safety and health of workers. © Nguyễn ViệtThanh/ILO

Ensuring safety and health at work in a changing climate

Climate change is a real threat to worker safety across the Asia-Pacific region. To mark World Day for Safety and Health at Work 2024, ILO Assistant Director-General and Regional Director for Asia and the Pacific Chihoko Asada-Miyakawa explains what needs to change.

Two new modules on the SSE are now available in Korean
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Two new modules on the SSE are now available in Korean

In 2023, ITCILO Turin developed two modules for an online open access awareness-raising package on social and solidarity economy (SSE) for the UNTFSSE. With financial support provided to the ILO by the Government of Luxembourg, these modules were made available in English, French, and Spanish.

ILO shares highlights on statistics of cooperatives and the social and solidarity economy from the 21st ICLS
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ILO shares highlights on statistics of cooperatives and the social and solidarity economy from the 21st ICLS

At the December 14, 2023 webinar on statistics concerning cooperatives and the social and solidarity economy, the ILO shared highlights from the 21st International Conference of Labour Statisticians with 80 participants.

Lifelong learning vital for workers and businesses to navigate Asia's skills landscape evolution
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Skill development

Lifelong learning vital for workers and businesses to navigate Asia's skills landscape evolution

Skills experts from across Asia make case for continuous learning in order to keep ahead of momentous changes taking place in workplaces.

Unlocking the potential of digitalization for inclusive social protection in Asia and the Pacific
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Social protection

Unlocking the potential of digitalization for inclusive social protection in Asia and the Pacific

Opportunities and challenges offered by digitalization of social protection systems highlighted at major event.

International Conference of Labour Statisticians discusses statistics of cooperatives and the social and solidarity economy (SSE)
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International Conference of Labour Statisticians discusses statistics of cooperatives and the social and solidarity economy (SSE)

The progress on testing of the Guidelines concerning Statistics of Cooperatives and the roadmap on developing guidelines for statistics of the SSE were presented and discussed on October 16, 2023 during the 21st International Conference of Labour Statisticians.

ILO research highlights gaps and potential in use of technology to help youth find work
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Youth employment

ILO research highlights gaps and potential in use of technology to help youth find work

Technological transformation in public employment services can support youth in Asia-Pacific to navigate labour market transitions and enter decent work.

ILO and Sungkonghoe University sign MOU on coops and SSE collaboration
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ILO and Sungkonghoe University sign MOU on coops and SSE collaboration

The ILO mission sought to share its work on cooperatives and the wider social and solidarity economy in Korea and explored opportunities to further strengthen collaboration with Korean universities.

ILO COOP participates to the CIRIEC conference on Social Economy
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ILO COOP participates to the CIRIEC conference on Social Economy

The 9th CIRIEC International Research Conference on Social Economy, with the theme "Building Forward Better: Social and Solidarity Economy for a Peaceful and Fair World," was successfully held in Seoul, Korea, from July 4 to 6, 2023.

ILO visited iCOOP’s Natural Dream Park in Korea
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ILO visited iCOOP’s Natural Dream Park in Korea

Following the International Conference on Statistics of Cooperatives, held on 30 June in Busan, participants were invited to a study trip at iCOOP’s Natural Dream Park in Goesan, Korea between 1-2 July 2023.

Improved statistics will strengthen global cooperative movement
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Improved statistics will strengthen global cooperative movement

An international conference has explored ways that more robust and consistent statistical measures can shape better policies and interventions for cooperatives and help their contribution to sustainable development be properly recognized.

ILO shares its work on cooperatives and the wider social and solidarity economy in Korea and strengthens cooperation with Korean partners
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ILO shares its work on cooperatives and the wider social and solidarity economy in Korea and strengthens cooperation with Korean partners

The mission members shared the ILO’s work on cooperatives and the wider social and solidarity economy and explored avenues to further strengthen collaboration with related Korean institutions, universities, and cooperative partners.

The global advisory committee of the ILO initiative on cooperative statistics holds its 5th meeting
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The global advisory committee of the ILO initiative on cooperative statistics holds its 5th meeting

Findings from case studies of Italy, Türkiye, Costa Rica, Tanzania and Korea on statistics concerning cooperatives were presented. This led to discussions around recommendations to the ILO guidelines concerning statistics of cooperatives and the need for development of a manual on statistics of cooperatives.

Asia-Pacific governments look to technology for employment services to support youth
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Youth employment

Asia-Pacific governments look to technology for employment services to support youth

Government officials from across the region exchange and learn about how technology can help young people access decent employment.

The global advisory committee of the ILO initiative on cooperative statistics holds its 4th meeting
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The global advisory committee of the ILO initiative on cooperative statistics holds its 4th meeting

National researchers from Italy, Türkiye, Costa Rica and Tanzania presented their analyses on the available and potential sources of data on cooperatives in their countries. They also provided comparisons and recommendations on the international guidelines concerning statistics of cooperatives. Discussions were held on the follow up steps, including the development of a manual on statistics of cooperatives.

Interview with Hyun-Gon Jung, President of KoSEA (Korea Social Enterprise Promotion Agency)
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Spotlight Interviews with Co-operators

Interview with Hyun-Gon Jung, President of KoSEA (Korea Social Enterprise Promotion Agency)

“Spotlight Interviews with Co-operators” is a series of interviews with cooperators from around the world with whom ILO officials have crossed paths during the course of their work on cooperatives and the wider social and solidarity economy (SSE). On this occasion, the ILO interviewed Hyun-Gon Jung, President at Korea Social Enterprise Promotion Agency (KoSEA) in the Republic of Korea.

ILO strengthens cooperation with Korean partners on cooperatives and the wider social and solidarity economy
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ILO strengthens cooperation with Korean partners on cooperatives and the wider social and solidarity economy

The ILO mission sought further opportunities to work together with the Korean government institutions, universities and cooperative partners.

The global advisory committee of the ILO initiative on cooperative statistics holds its 3rd meeting
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The global advisory committee of the ILO initiative on cooperative statistics holds its 3rd meeting

National researchers from Italy, Türkiye, Korea, Costa Rica and Tanzania have presented an analysis of the statistics in their countries on cooperatives. They also provided comparisons to the international guidelines concerning statistics of cooperatives.

Parallel Session F.4 at the International Forum on Migration Statistics (IFMS) 2023: Measuring SDG 10.7.1 on migrant recruitment costs: Recent advances and way forward
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International Forum on Migration Statistics (IFMS) 2023

Parallel Session F.4 at the International Forum on Migration Statistics (IFMS) 2023: Measuring SDG 10.7.1 on migrant recruitment costs: Recent advances and way forward

The session, organized by ILO with support from WB KNOMAD, showcased recent achievements to promote measurement of SDG 10.7.1 on migrant workers’ paid recruitment costs and reflected on the lessons learned and way forward

Republic of Korea and the ILO partnership
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Republic of Korea and the ILO partnership

ILO and MOEL to promote the Global Accelerator and BETTER WORK