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Leadership and management training for ILO staff in Eastern Europe and Central Asia
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Leadership and management training for ILO staff in Eastern Europe and Central Asia

Director, specialists and programme officer of the International Labour Organization (ILO) Office for Eastern Europe and Central Asia gathered to undertake leadership and management training in the context of multiple crises. The exercise served to enhance skills for effective teamwork and use of technologies that enable multi-stakeholder collaboration from various locations.

Armenian labour inspectors advance their expertise at a capacity-building workshop
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Armenian labour inspectors advance their expertise at a capacity-building workshop

A capacity-building event was held in Yerevan on March 15, 2024 within the framework of "Promoting Implementation of Labour Rights in Armenia Together" (PILRAT) project, implemented by the International Labour Organization (ILO) in Armenia.

Guidelines for Internal Grievance Handling to Strengthen Labour Rights in Armenia
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Guidelines for Internal Grievance Handling to Strengthen Labour Rights in Armenia

A presentation and discussion on alternative mechanisms for individual grievance handling procedures were held at the UN House Armenia. The application of the procedures will help to strengthen labour rights and promote a fair and transparent work environment.

ILO team for Eastern Europe and Central Asia: foreseeing trends for the next biennium
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ILO team for Eastern Europe and Central Asia: foreseeing trends for the next biennium

23-24 November 2023, TASHKENT – The ILO staff gathered here to take part in an innovative Foresight exercise facilitated by ITC ILO. The exercise served to foster team spirit, reflect on working modalities internally and externally - with the constituents and partners, and deliver on ILO mandate - decent work and social justice.

Promoting Implementation of Labour Rights in Armenia Together:progress of the project discussed
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Promoting Implementation of Labour Rights in Armenia Together:progress of the project discussed

Yerevan, November 17, 2023 — А meeting of the Project Advisory Committee (PAC) for the "Promoting Implementation of Labour Rights in Armenia Together" initiative, held on November 16, showcased achievements and advancements made by the project.

Work gives me my independence
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Work gives me my independence

Rafael Martirosyan has Down syndrome. He says his volunteer work and job at his family’s bakery business in Armenia give his life meaning. Rafael’s dream is to open a café that welcomes people with disabilities.

Training-of-trainers course for labour inspectors in Armenia
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Training-of-trainers course for labour inspectors in Armenia

Tsakhkadzor, Armenia - November 8-9, 2023 – The final phase of the Training-of-Trainers (ToT) course for labour inspectors of the Health and Labour Inspection Body (HLIB) of the Republic of Armenia was held on 8-9 November 2023.

Judges and legal practitioners in Armenia learn how to apply international labour law within domestic legal systems
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Judges and legal practitioners in Armenia learn how to apply international labour law within domestic legal systems

September 19, 2023, Yerevan։ On September 15th, the UN House Armenia hosted a launching ceremony of the "International Labour Law" and "Domestic Labour Law" curriculum, developed for judges and legal practitioners by the Academy of Justice of the Republic of Armenia and the International Labour Organization (ILO).

Armenian labour inspectors enhance skills and expand knowledge on labour rights
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Armenian labour inspectors enhance skills and expand knowledge on labour rights

Within the framework of the promotion of labour rights in Armenia, training for labour inspectors was held here on August 18, 2023.

Armenian inspectors enhance skills through Training-of-Trainers Programme
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Armenian inspectors enhance skills through Training-of-Trainers Programme

Within the framework of the promotion of labour rights in Armenia, a Training-of-Trainers (ToT) course for labour inspectors of the Health and Labour Inspection Body (HLIB) of the Republic of Armenia was held from June 26 to June 30, 2023.

ILO presents its Self-Assessment Method for Social Dialogue Institutions to constituents in Armenia
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ILO presents its Self-Assessment Method for Social Dialogue Institutions to constituents in Armenia

On 29-30 June, 2023, a Workshop was conducted in Yerevan, Armenia, to present the ILO newly developed tool “Self-Assessment Method for Social Dialogue Institutions” (SAM-SDI) to the members and secretariat of the Republican Tripartite Commission (RTC) of Armenia.

Strengthening social dialogue at the sectorial level: a roundtable in Armenia
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Strengthening social dialogue at the sectorial level: a roundtable in Armenia

On 28-29 April 2023, the city of Tsaghkadzor, Armenia, hosted a round-table discussion on "Occupational safety and health systems and mechanisms in the mining and metallurgical industry: Social partnership and coordination of actions".

Decent Work Country Programme results discussed in Armenia
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Decent Work Country Programme results discussed in Armenia

On April 28, 2023, a round table was conducted in Yerevan, Armenia, to discuss the results of the Review of the Decent Work Country Programme 2019-2023 for the Republic of Armenia.

Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia marks World Day for Safety and Health at Work
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Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia marks World Day for Safety and Health at Work

The World Day for Safety and Health at Work was celebrated at a joint event organized by the Confederation of Trade Union of Armenia (CTUA) and the ILO "Promoting Implementation of Labour Rights in Armenia Together" (PILRAT) project

Occupational Safety and Health as a fundamental right of Health Workers – a workshop in Armenia
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Occupational Safety and Health as a fundamental right of Health Workers – a workshop in Armenia

From 31 March to 2 April 2023, in Tsaghkadzor, Armenia, the Republican Health Workers’ Union of Armenia and the ILO jointly organized a workshop entitled “Occupational Safety and Health as a fundamental right of health workers”.

ILO team for Eastern Europe and Central Asia: plans for the next biennium defined
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ILO team for Eastern Europe and Central Asia: plans for the next biennium defined

22-24 February 2023, TASHKENT – ILO conducted its programming meeting for the Decent Work Team and Country Office for Eastern Europe and Central Asia to discuss plans for 2023 and formulate strategy for 2024-2025. The team aimed to define a strategic vision for the office for the new biennium in the relevant technical areas considering the current challenges and opportunities.

ILO Director-General Gilbert Houngbo meets with Minister of Labour and Social Affairs of Armenia, Narek Mkrtchyan
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ILO Director-General Gilbert Houngbo meets with Minister of Labour and Social Affairs of Armenia, Narek Mkrtchyan

Within the framework of his visit to the United Arab Emirates, the Minister of Labour and Social Affairs, Narek Mkrtchyan, had a meeting with the Director-General of the International Labour Organization, Gilbert Houngbo.

Armenia: Capacity building workshop for labour inspectors
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Armenia: Capacity building workshop for labour inspectors

On 27 January 2023, the Northern Territorial Centre of the Health and Labour Inspection Body of the Republic of Armenia organized a capacity building workshop for labour inspectors to strengthen their knowledge and share experience.

ILO Partners in Armenia Discuss Implementation of Labour Rights Project
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ILO Partners in Armenia Discuss Implementation of Labour Rights Project

On 26 January 2023, the UN House in Yerevan hosted the second meeting of the Project Advisory Committee (PAC) of the ILO project “Promoting Implementation of Labour Rights in Armenia Together” (PILRAT).

Strengthening integrated social protection and employment service delivery - training for the Unified Social Service staff in Armenia
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Strengthening integrated social protection and employment service delivery - training for the Unified Social Service staff in Armenia

On December 9-10 and 11-12, 2022, at the request of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of the Republic of Armenia, the International Labour Organization organized two 2-day trainings for more than 50 participants representing 49 Unified Social Service Centers (USS).