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Prospects to achieve decent work in cocoa supply chain
The Director of ILO-Brussels addresses the World Cocoa Conference

Prospects to achieve decent work in cocoa supply chain

In a closing address to the 5th World Cocoa Conference, the ILO addressed challenges and opportunities to make the cocoa supply chain more sustainable, based on its decent work approach.

Launch of the first global strategic compliance plan in Abidjan
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Launch of the first global strategic compliance plan in Abidjan

This crucial initiative, designed to cover the three years 2023-2025, aims to address significant challenges in respecting and realizing the rights of workers in Côte d'Ivoire, with a particular focus on the agricultural, commerce, industry, as well as buildings and public works sectors.

Social Partners from 39 African Countries Gather to Chart Course for the Future of Work in the continent
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Social Partners from 39 African Countries Gather to Chart Course for the Future of Work in the continent

The International Labour Organization took part in the event in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania on promotion of social dialogue on employment.

Highlighting the progress and challenges encountered by cocoa producing communities in Ivory Coast as part of an ACCEL Africa monitoring mission
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Highlighting the progress and challenges encountered by cocoa producing communities in Ivory Coast as part of an ACCEL Africa monitoring mission

ILO and C.I.PRE.S join forces to accelerate social protection coverage in Africa
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Press release

ILO and C.I.PRE.S join forces to accelerate social protection coverage in Africa

The ILO Regional Office for Africa and the C.I.PRE.S. have signed an agreement to cooperate and share their expertise in increasing social protection coverage in Africa.

Workshop to present the work plan-Côte d’Ivoire: Towards an accelerated elimination of child labor in Africa
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Workshop to present the work plan-Côte d’Ivoire: Towards an accelerated elimination of child labor in Africa

The workshop to present the ACCEL Africa 2 project work plan marked an important step in the implementation of phase 2 of the ACCEL Africa project, funded by the Netherlands.

Governments, workers’ and employers’ organizations validate the AU-ILO youth employment strategy for Africa
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Governments, workers’ and employers’ organizations validate the AU-ILO youth employment strategy for Africa

A collaborative effort between the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the African Union Commission (AUC), YES-Africa is a guiding framework to shape the future world of work for the continent's youth.

The STRENGTHEN2 project pursues its capacity building activities in Côte d’Ivoire
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The STRENGTHEN2 project pursues its capacity building activities in Côte d’Ivoire

Small farmers to benefit from new occupational safety and health partnership
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Small farmers to benefit from new occupational safety and health partnership

ILO and Eni are launching a partnership to improve occupational safety and health for small farmers involved in Eni's agro-industrial initiatives in Kenya and Cote d’Ivoire.

Towards sustainable and balanced agriculture: The inspiring story of Nguessan Affoue-Georgette in Paksou
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Towards sustainable and balanced agriculture: The inspiring story of Nguessan Affoue-Georgette in Paksou

Paksou is a village located 12 kilometers from the sub-prefecture of Grands Zattry, in Ivory Coast known for its varied agricultural activities, notably the cultivation of cocoa, rubber, oil palm, cashew, and food crops. The population, estimated at more than 5,000 inhabitants, is predominantly female. The village is led by a village chief, following a traditional system with a strong patriarchal influence in decision-making, in accordance with ancestral customs.

Cultivating security through ACCEL Africa’s transformational journey
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Cultivating security through ACCEL Africa’s transformational journey

Kwame Kadiu, a 50-year-old coffee and cocoa farmer shares his incredible journey of personal and professional transformation thanks to the ACCEL Africa project. His experience was marked by the discovery of WIND (Work Improvement in Neighborhood Development) activities -A real change in his life and work.

First-Ever African Labour Migration Conference Kicks Off in Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire
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Labour migration

First-Ever African Labour Migration Conference Kicks Off in Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire

ILO and African Union Commission join forces to protect migrant workers' rights

The Universal Health Insurance Scheme (RAMU) is being set up in Burkina Faso
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Social protection

The Universal Health Insurance Scheme (RAMU) is being set up in Burkina Faso

Five decrees implementing on the Universal Health Insurance Scheme (RAMU) adopted by the Council of Ministers

Sweet success for a honey trailblazer in Côte d’Ivoire
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Sweet success for a honey trailblazer in Côte d’Ivoire

When crisis hit Côte d’Ivoire, Cissé Marbré’s education hopes were dashed. Undeterred she persevered, and with the help of ILO business training is now a prize-winning entrepreneur producing honey sold across the country’s supermarkets.

A Visionary Path Towards Fair and Ethical Recruitment in Africa
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A Visionary Path Towards Fair and Ethical Recruitment in Africa

developing a robust Fair Recruitment Strategy designed specifically for Africa.

ILO and Rwanda partner up to boost decent jobs for youth in the digital economy
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Digital economy

ILO and Rwanda partner up to boost decent jobs for youth in the digital economy

The International Labour Organization (ILO) announces a new development cooperation project, designed to promote employment for Rwanda's youth.

Strengthening Africa's capacity to tackle child labour and domestic work through data analysis
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Strengthening Africa's capacity to tackle child labour and domestic work through data analysis

The ILO and the African Union Commission (AUC) are partnering to empower African countries in collecting, processing, and analysing child labour data and domestic work statistics.

ACCEL Africa Paves the Way for Change in Cote d'Ivoire's Cocoa and Gold Mining Value Chains
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ACCEL Africa Paves the Way for Change in Cote d'Ivoire's Cocoa and Gold Mining Value Chains

The ACCEL Africa project recently concluded its capitalization workshop, marking an important milestone in its goal to accelerate action or elimination of child labour in the cocoa and artisanal gold mining value chains in Côte d'Ivoire.

Taking stock of initiatives to expand access to Universal Health Coverage (CMU) for cocoa farmers in Côte d'Ivoire: Assessment and recommendations for the roadmap
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ACCEL Cote d'Ivoire

Taking stock of initiatives to expand access to Universal Health Coverage (CMU) for cocoa farmers in Côte d'Ivoire: Assessment and recommendations for the roadmap

In Côte d'Ivoire, the ILO's ACCEL Africa project piloted an innovative approach to extend Universal Health Coverage (CMU) to vulnerable cocoa farmers. Stakeholders from cooperatives, cocoa exporters and health centers who participated in the first phase of the pilot initiative provided feedback on access to CMU services in localities.

ACCEL Africa: Advancing Responsible Gold Mining for Livelihoods and Rights
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ACCEL Africa: Advancing Responsible Gold Mining for Livelihoods and Rights

The video presents the approaches undertaken by the ACCEL Africa project in Mali, Nigeria and Côte d’Ivoire to foster the formalization of the ASGM sector in the three target countries, providing insights from miners, local leaders, Government’s representatives, and private sector on how to promote a more responsible gold mining supply chain towards the elimination of child labour, the respect of human rights and the environment, and the promotion of decent work for all.