Governing Body documents

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Compendium of rules applicable to the Governing Body of the International Labour Office: Introductory note, Standing Orders and Annexes
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Compendium of rules applicable to the Governing Body of the International Labour Office: Introductory note, Standing Orders and Annexes

Annex III was updated in 2023 following the decision adopted by the Governing Body at its 347th Session (GB.347/LILS/3(Rev.2); Annex I was updated in 2024 following the decision adopted by the Governing Body at its 350th Session (GB.350/LILS/1)

Proposed amendments to the terms of reference of the Independent Oversight Advisory Committee
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Proposed amendments to the terms of reference of the Independent Oversight Advisory Committee

This document contains the proposed amendments to the terms of reference of the Independent Oversight Advisory Committee, as well as the options for its future membership rotation, for the Governing Body’s approval (see the draft decision in paragraph 8).

Programme and Budget for 2022–23: Financial report and audited consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2023
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Programme and Budget for 2022–23: Financial report and audited consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2023

Agenda of the 351st Session of the ILO Governing Body (June 2024)
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Agenda of the 351st Session of the ILO Governing Body (June 2024)

Agenda of the 350th bis Session of the ILO Governing Body
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Agenda of the 350th bis Session of the ILO Governing Body

3 June 2024

Draft minutes of the Institutional Section
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Draft minutes of the Institutional Section

Draft minutes of the Legal Issues and International Labour Standards Section
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Draft minutes of the Legal Issues and International Labour Standards Section

Draft minutes of the Policy Development Section
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Draft minutes of the Policy Development Section

Draft minutes of the Programme, Financial and Administrative Section
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Draft minutes of the Programme, Financial and Administrative Section

Programme of ILO official meetings
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Programme of ILO official meetings

Updated in March 2024.

ILO Governing Body closes with decisions on living wages, strengthening social justice
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350th Session of the ILO Governing Body

ILO Governing Body closes with decisions on living wages, strengthening social justice

Living wages, the challenges and opportunities of digitization, and progress towards a new social contract, were among the wide range of world-of-work topics discussed by the ILO’s Governing Body at its 350th session.

Decisions adopted by the Governing Body of the ILO at its 350th Session (March 2024)
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Decisions adopted by the Governing Body of the ILO at its 350th Session (March 2024)

List of persons accredited to the 350th Session of the ILO Governing Body (March 2024)
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List of persons accredited to the 350th Session of the ILO Governing Body (March 2024)

Decision concerning the review of the functioning of the Governing Body, identification of possible areas for improvement and arrangements and time frame for results-based follow-up action
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Decision concerning the review of the functioning of the Governing Body, identification of possible areas for improvement and arrangements and time frame for results-based follow-up action

Annual Report of the Committee on Freedom of Association
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Annual Report of the Committee on Freedom of Association

Decision concerning the proposed form for the report to be submitted under article 19, paragraph (6)(d), of the ILO Constitution on the Employment and Decent Work for Peace and Resilience Recommendation, 2017 (No. 205)
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Decision concerning the proposed form for the report to be submitted under article 19, paragraph (6)(d), of the ILO Constitution on the Employment and Decent Work for Peace and Resilience Recommendation, 2017 (No. 205)

406th Report of the Committee on Freedom of Association
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406th Report of the Committee on Freedom of Association

Decision concerning the closure of the representation alleging non-observance by Chile of the Promotional Framework for Occupational Safety and Health Convention, 2006 (No. 187), pursuant to a successful conciliation process
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Decision concerning the closure of the representation alleging non-observance by Chile of the Promotional Framework for Occupational Safety and Health Convention, 2006 (No. 187), pursuant to a successful conciliation process

Decisions concerning the regular report of the Director-General
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Decisions concerning the regular report of the Director-General

Decision concerning the follow-up to the decision to report on the modalities of the Working Party on the New Social Contract for Our Common Agenda
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Decision concerning the follow-up to the decision to report on the modalities of the Working Party on the New Social Contract for Our Common Agenda