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New SCORE partnership to benefit more workers and enterprises in China
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New SCORE partnership to benefit more workers and enterprises in China

ILO and the Ministry of Emergency Management of China jointly launches the new China SCORE programme.

TOT Online Website Design Technology Programme by Champasak Provincial Skills Development Center of Lao PDR and Guangxi Industrial Technician College of China
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ILO/China Partnership Programme

TOT Online Website Design Technology Programme by Champasak Provincial Skills Development Center of Lao PDR and Guangxi Industrial Technician College of China

Jointly organized by the ILO/China Partnership Programme, Champasak Provincial Skills Development Center of Lao People's Democratic Republic and Guangxi Industrial Technician College of China

ILO/China Partnership Programme Supports TVET Day in Cambodia
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ILO/China Partnership Programme

ILO/China Partnership Programme Supports TVET Day in Cambodia

ILO/China Partnership Programme supported Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training in its Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Day Expo

Job Fair in Phnom Penh Opens Doors to Job Seekers
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ILO/China Partnership Programme

Job Fair in Phnom Penh Opens Doors to Job Seekers

With support from ILO-China Partnership Programme, the National Employment Agency of Cambodia organized a job fair on 13 and 14 June 2023, with the aim of connecting job seekers with potential employers

ICT Curriculum Development, Lao People's Democratic Republic
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ILO/China Partnership Programme

ICT Curriculum Development, Lao People's Democratic Republic

Champasak Provincial Skills Development Center and ILO/China Partnership Programme organized a consultation workshop to review and endorse ICT curriculum (Levels 1-4) on 8-9 June 2023 at Pakse District, Champasak Province, Lao People's Democratic Republic

ILO/China Partnership Programme and Hainan Technician College Enrich Cambodian TVET with Mechatronics Training
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ILO/China Partnership Programme

ILO/China Partnership Programme and Hainan Technician College Enrich Cambodian TVET with Mechatronics Training

In a remarkable collaboration aimed at fostering technological advancement and empowering digital skills, the ILO/China Partnership Programme and Hainan Technician College joined forces to provide comprehensive Mechatronics training to 22 trainers and participants, including 5 female professionals, from the National Polytechnic Institute of Angkor

The ILO-China Partnership Programme and Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training Join Forces to Advance Green Skills, Digital Skills in Cambodia
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ILO/China Partnership Programme

The ILO-China Partnership Programme and Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training Join Forces to Advance Green Skills, Digital Skills in Cambodia

The Directorate General of Technical Vocational Education and Training of Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training (MLVT) of Cambodia and the International Labour Organization (ILO) including ILO-China Partnership Programme have joined forces through the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) aimed at advancing various crucial aspects of Cambodia's labor market.

Private Sectors Provided Inputs in the Process of Drafting TVET Law of Cambodia
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ILO/China Partnership Programme

Private Sectors Provided Inputs in the Process of Drafting TVET Law of Cambodia

With support from ILO-China Partnership Programme, the Cambodia Federation of Employers and Trade Association (CAMFEBA) organized a consultation workshop with its members to discuss about and collect inputs to the draft TVET Law by the Government, as a key step of social dialogue

Training of trainers (ToT) on actuarial work in social security pensions
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Training of trainers (ToT) on actuarial work in social security pensions

Organized National Skills Competition, Lao People's Democratic Republic
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ILO/China Partnership Programme

Organized National Skills Competition, Lao People's Democratic Republic

ILO-China Partnership Programme, in close collaboration with Skills Development Institute, Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare of Lao PDR jointly organized National Skills Competition in the sector of Electrical Installation

Successful Job Fair in Preah Sihanouk Province Provided Over 1,000 Job Vacancies
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ILO/China Partnership Programme

Successful Job Fair in Preah Sihanouk Province Provided Over 1,000 Job Vacancies

With support from ILO-China Partnership Programme, 752 job seekers from across Preah Sihanouk Province, Cambodia, have gathered to expose to over 1,000 job vacancies in a job fair and pre-employment training from experts and private sector practitioners

Project Advisory Committee in Cambodia endorsed Project Workplan
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ILO/China Partnership Programme

Project Advisory Committee in Cambodia endorsed Project Workplan

The Project Advisory Committee (PAC) in Cambodia held a successful meeting on April 25, 2023, at the Cambodiana Hotel in Phnom Penh, to review the progress of the project, discuss about challenges and opportunities, and decide on the workplan for the next 12 months.

ICT Curriculum Development, Lao People's Democratic Republic
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ILO/China Partnership Programme

ICT Curriculum Development, Lao People's Democratic Republic

Champasak Provincial Skills Development Center and ILO/China Partnership Programme organized a consultation workshop on the development of ICT curriculum from Level 1- Level 4

Project Advisory Committee (PAC) Meeting 2023, Lao People's Democratic Republic
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ILO/China Partnership Programme

Project Advisory Committee (PAC) Meeting 2023, Lao People's Democratic Republic

Tripartite Constituents of Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare of Lao People's Democratic Republic, Lao National Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Lao Federation of Trade Union convened a Project Advisory Committee Meeting of ILO/China Partnership Programme on 14 March 2023 at Don Chan Palace, Vientiane Capital, Lao People's Democratic Republic

The Opening Workshop of TOT Online New Energy Vehicle Programme by Vocational Education Development Institute of Lao PDR and Hangzhou Technician College of China
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ILO/China Partnership Programme

The Opening Workshop of TOT Online New Energy Vehicle Programme by Vocational Education Development Institute of Lao PDR and Hangzhou Technician College of China

Jointly organized by the ILO/China Partnership Programme, Vocational Education Development Institute of Lao People's Democratic Republic and Hangzhou Technician College of China

Employment Services is expanded to TVET Schools in Cambodia
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ILO/China Partnership Programme

Employment Services is expanded to TVET Schools in Cambodia

With support from ILO/China Partnership Programme, Directorate General of Technical Vocational Education and Training (DGTVET) of Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training has organized ToT trainings

Cambodian Skill Competition Trainers and Champion to be trained in China under South-South Cooperation Skills Development Network
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ILO/China Partnership Programme

Cambodian Skill Competition Trainers and Champion to be trained in China under South-South Cooperation Skills Development Network

With the coordination from ILO-China Partnership Programme, the discussion workshop on Training Cambodian Skills Competition Champion in China was organized under the South-South Cooperation Skills Development Network

A Consultation Workshop to Summerise the Pilot Benchmarking of the Skill Standards of Automotive Sector and ICT Sector
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ILO/China Partnership Programme

A Consultation Workshop to Summerise the Pilot Benchmarking of the Skill Standards of Automotive Sector and ICT Sector

Jointly organized by the ILO/China Partnership Programme and Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare of Lao People's Democratic Republic

A Consultation Workshop on Good Practices on Skill Development and Employment in Lao PDR
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ILO/China Partnership Programme

A Consultation Workshop on Good Practices on Skill Development and Employment in Lao PDR

Jointly organized by the ILO/China Partnership Programme and Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare of Lao People's Democratic Republic

Mobile Robotic Training Course started under South-South Cooperation Skill Development Network
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ILO/China Partnership Programme

Mobile Robotic Training Course started under South-South Cooperation Skill Development Network

Under the coordination of ILO-China Partnership Programme, Guangzhou Industrial and Trade Technician College and the National Polytechnic Institute of Cambodia successfully held the "Opening Ceremony of Mobile Robotic Training Course".