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Algorithmic management practices in regular workplaces
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Algorithmic management practices in regular workplaces

The ILO and the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission invite you to a half-day, in-person event in Brussels to launch their report on Algorithmic management practices in regular workplaces.

International Conference on Statistics of Cooperative – Measuring Cooperatives and Beyond
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International Conference on Statistics of Cooperative – Measuring Cooperatives and Beyond

The ILO will host an international conference on statistics of cooperatives, as part of the cooperative statistics component of the Strengthening Social and Solidarity Economy Knowledge Base project.

How COVID-19 affects Europeans and the EU labour market
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How COVID-19 affects Europeans and the EU labour market

Joint ILO-Eurofound webinar on how COVID-19 is affecting the European labour market, how Europeans are experiencing the crisis, as well as the policy responses of EU Member States and social partners.

The SSE Momentum: Finance for Inclusion and the Future of Work
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The SSE Momentum: Finance for Inclusion and the Future of Work

This international conference will be organized by the ILO in Trento, Italy from 18 to 20 November 2019 to present the findings from two international research projects on the role of the social and solidarity economy (SSE) and social finance in shaping a future of work. The two projects are funded by the Government of France and the Government of Luxembourg.

The 10th Edition of the ILO Academy on Social and Solidarity Economy – A human-centred agenda for the future of work
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The 10th Edition of the ILO Academy on Social and Solidarity Economy – A human-centred agenda for the future of work

How to fight migrant exploitation and trafficking by supporting workers’ rights in the rural economy. The Italian Law against “caporalato”
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How to fight migrant exploitation and trafficking by supporting workers’ rights in the rural economy. The Italian Law against “caporalato”

Side event - UN 62nd Commission on the Status of Women

Establishing fair recruitment processes
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Training course

Establishing fair recruitment processes

Are you interested to learn more about what you can do to reduce the risk of abusive and fraudulent recruitment of workers in the supply chain? Then join the ITCILO’s course on Establishing Fair Recruitment Processes.

Identifying and investigating cases of forced labour and trafficking
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Training course

Identifying and investigating cases of forced labour and trafficking

This course will train participants to better identify and investigate cases of forced labour, including trafficking in human beings for labour exploitation. It will introduce forced labour indicators and will address different stages of the investigative process, such as victim interviews and gathering evidence, with a focus on the pre-trial phase. Participants will be introduced to the new Protocol and Recommendation supplementing the Forced Labour Convention, 1930 (No.29) including provisions pertaining to the protection of workers from abuses arising during the recruitment process.

“Today Project” roundtable and concert on Universal Children’s Day
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Roundtable and concert

“Today Project” roundtable and concert on Universal Children’s Day

Partners will discuss the “Today Project”, which uses music as a means to broaden collaboration on tackling child labour, at an event dedicated to the Music Against Child Labour Initiative and Alliance 8.7

Teacher seminar led by renowned artist Michelangelo Pistoletto
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Teacher seminar led by renowned artist Michelangelo Pistoletto

Cooperatives promoting inclusive rural-urban linkages – COPAC side event, Committee on World Food Security
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Cooperatives promoting inclusive rural-urban linkages – COPAC side event, Committee on World Food Security

Identifying and investigating cases of forced labour and human trafficking
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Training course

Identifying and investigating cases of forced labour and human trafficking

This course will train participants to better identify and investigate cases of forced labour, including trafficking in human beings for labour exploitation. It will introduce forced labour indicators and will address different stages of the investigative process, such as victim interviews and gathering evidence, with a focus on the pre-trial phase.

My.Financial.Coop: Training programme for apex organizations of financial cooperatives
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My.Financial.Coop: Training programme for apex organizations of financial cooperatives

Communicating freedom of association and collective bargaining rights: A training course for media professionals
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Training course (ILO International Training Center)

Communicating freedom of association and collective bargaining rights: A training course for media professionals

The course aims to equip media professionals with the knowledge and competences to report on freedom of association and collective bargaining rights and to raise public awareness of internationally recognized human and labour rights in this area.

Labour Migration Academy (trilingual course)
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Labour Migration Academy (trilingual course)

This global training activity on international labour migration reviews and analyses key issues, strategies, policies and tools for better governance of international labour migration, linking migration and development, and promoting the protection of rights of migrant workers and their families.. In addition to plenary sessions the academy offers the possibility to participants through elective courses to analyze as well in-depth key topics related to labour migration. The academy will therefore give a broad overview of the different challenges and opportunities related to international labour migration, but it will also give the opportunity to participants to tailor-made the reinforcement of their capacities according to their specific needs.

Course "Identifying and investigating cases of forced labour and trafficking"
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Course "Identifying and investigating cases of forced labour and trafficking"

The main objective of the course is to train participants to better identify and investigate cases of forced labour, including trafficking for labour exploitation. The course addresses the different stages of the process (inspecting workplaces, interviewing victims, gathering evidence), with a focus on the private sector (textile, agriculture, domestic work, etc.).

"Today Festival - Say NO to Child Labour" concert
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"Today Festival - Say NO to Child Labour" concert

Music event organised by the Soroptimist International Club of Sassari (Sardinia, Italy) in collaboration with the ILO on the occasion of the World Day of Social Justice

ITC-ILO Labour Academy Training course on Decent Work for Domestic Workers
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ITC-ILO Labour Academy Training course on Decent Work for Domestic Workers

The International Training Centre of the ILO organized an inter-regional open course on Decent Work for Domestic Workers. The course was developed in light of the ILO Convention 189 and Recommendation 201, and included information and discussions on labour migration governance for domestic work.

The role of cooperatives - instruments and indicators to conjugate growth and sustainable development
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The role of cooperatives - instruments and indicators to conjugate growth and sustainable development

This conference, hosted by The Alliance of Italian Cooperatives (ACI) in partnership with the Directorate General for Development Cooperation (DGCS) of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is first of a series of events on the role of cooperative enterprises in international cooperation.

Training Course on Evolving Forms of Employment Relationships and Decent Work
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Training Course on Evolving Forms of Employment Relationships and Decent Work

Representatives of government, workers’ and employers’ organizations, NGOs and academia from Asia, Africa and Arab countries participated in a training course on evolving forms of employment relationships and decent work to strengthen their capacities to use international labour standards and enhance labour rights and social protection of workers in “non-standard” employment relationships.