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Using vacancy data to study skills dynamics
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ILO Research Department Webinar

Using vacancy data to study skills dynamics

Knowing what skills are required by employers when recruiting new workers is an important basis for the work of all labour market actors. This seminar, will present the project “Machbarkeitsstudie Kompetenz-Kompass”, which has developed a methodology to identify recent hard and soft skill requirements in job ads published on the “BA-Jobbörse” employment website provided by the Federal Employment Agency (Germany).

How COVID-19 affects Europeans and the EU labour market
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How COVID-19 affects Europeans and the EU labour market

Joint ILO-Eurofound webinar on how COVID-19 is affecting the European labour market, how Europeans are experiencing the crisis, as well as the policy responses of EU Member States and social partners.

Demonstrating commitment and leadership on equal pay – an EPIC Pledging Event
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Demonstrating commitment and leadership on equal pay – an EPIC Pledging Event

The main objective of the event is to accelerate the pace towards equal pay for work of equal value, in line with target 8.5 of the SDGs.

Rodolfo Mederos concert at the IV Global Conference on Child Labour
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Rodolfo Mederos concert at the IV Global Conference on Child Labour

Rodolfo Mederos, a co-founder of the Music Against Child Labour Initiative, will perform with his “Orquesta Típica” on the opening day of the IV Global Conference on Child Labour in Argentina.

EPIC First Meeting of Key Stakeholders in Berlin
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EPIC First Meeting of Key Stakeholders in Berlin

Prior to the launch of the strategic multi-stakeholder partnership "Equal Pay International Coalition" (EPIC) in New York during the 72nd Session of the UN General Assembly in September 2017, Key Stakeholders come together to help shape EPIC’s vision and modalities for achieving its objectives.

Christmas concert by the Fanny Hensel Music School, Berlin, dedicated to the Initiative
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Christmas concert by the Fanny Hensel Music School, Berlin, dedicated to the Initiative

"Wer musiziert, entwickelt seine Persönlichkeit” – “Playing music develops the personality“, Udo Krzyzynski, Director of the Musikschule Fanny Hensel, Berlin.

FES/ILO/DGRV International Symposium on Cooperatives and the Sustainable Development Goals: Focus on Africa
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FES/ILO/DGRV International Symposium on Cooperatives and the Sustainable Development Goals: Focus on Africa

Sustainable Development and Decent Work Solution Forum
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Global South-South Development Expo 2013

Sustainable Development and Decent Work Solution Forum

Within the Global South-South Development (GSSD) Expo that took place in Nairobi from 28 October to 1 November 2013, the ILO Solution Forum focused on projects concerning sustainable development and decent work in a variety of contexts worldwide.

Course"Identifying and investigating cases of forced labour and trafficking"
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Course"Identifying and investigating cases of forced labour and trafficking"

The main objective of the course is to train participants to better identify and investigate cases of forced labour, including trafficking for labour exploitation. The course addresses the different stages of the process (inspecting workplaces, interviewing victims, gathering evidence), with a focus on the private sector (textile, agriculture, domestic work, etc.).

European Practices in Collective Bargaining
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European Practices in Collective Bargaining

DWT/CO Budapest organized a tripartite meeting on European practices of collective bargaining in Tirana, Albania on 17 May 2012.

Training "Identifying and investigating cases of forced labour and trafficking"
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Training "Identifying and investigating cases of forced labour and trafficking"

This course will train participants to better identify and investigate cases of forced labour and trafficking in persons for labour exploitation. It will address different stages of the investigative process, including detecting signs, inspecting workplaces, interviewing victims, and gathering other evidence. The course will focus on forced labour occurring in the private sector (including of textile, agriculture, and domestic workers), but will not specifically address sexual exploitation.

The Impact of the Crisis on Work Inequalities and Wages in Europe
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The Impact of the Crisis on Work Inequalities and Wages in Europe

The International Labour Organization is organizing a press conference and presentation of recently published ILO books on Work Inequalities in the Crisis: Evidence from Europe and The Impact of the Crisis on Wages in South-East Europe and Hungary.

Human trafficking for labour exploitation in Germany
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Human trafficking for labour exploitation in Germany

Workshop organised by the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS)which will discuss the development of sustainable support structures for victims of human trafficking for labour exploitation

Severe labour exploitation of migrant workers - latest developments in politics and practice
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Severe labour exploitation of migrant workers - latest developments in politics and practice

At the occasion of the World Day of Decent Work on October 7 the DGB Berlin-Brandenburg and the Berlin Alliance to Combat Trafficking for Labour Exploitation (BBGM) are organizing a public event to discuss the latest development in politics and practice with regard to severe labour exploitation of migrant workers in Berlin. BBGM is an initiative involving the International Organization for Migration (IOM) Berlin, the International Labour Organization (ILO), the German Association of Trade Unions, and the Berlin State Department for Labor and Social Affairs.

Regional Conference in Tbilisi, Georgia: Building partnerships to combat human trafficking and forced labour
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Regional Conference in Tbilisi, Georgia: Building partnerships to combat human trafficking and forced labour

Regional conference to exchange good practices on the prevention of forced labour and trafficking in the context of increased labour mobility between the South Caucasus, neighbouring countries and the European Union.

A Rights-based Approach to Counter Labor Trafficking – U.S. and German Experiences
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A Rights-based Approach to Counter Labor Trafficking – U.S. and German Experiences

The conference will provide a forum for U.S. and German experts to explore how government and civil society can cooperate to assist labor trafficking victims.

Practical Insights into the Combat against Trafficking for Labour Exploitation
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Practical Insights into the Combat against Trafficking for Labour Exploitation

Conference on trafficking for labour exploitation organized jointly by the Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation and the Berlin Alliance project in the framework of the ESF/XENOS-Project "Berlin Alliance against Human Trafficking into Labour Exploitation"

Global Labour University Conference, 14-16 September 2010, Berlin, Germany
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Global Labour University Conference, 14-16 September 2010, Berlin, Germany

The two days Global Labour University Conference has been providing a space for generating progressive responses to this unprecedented global crisis and the challenges labour is facing. The Global Labour University invited trade unionists and academic scholars to explore ideas for a progressive alternative to the failed globalisation regime. Fundamental change is required to protect people and societies against the current economic disorder. Democratic decision making needs to be the master of the market and not vice versa. The leaflet below (pdf) describes the Conference in more detail and under Key Resources you will find additional documents from the Conference.