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Financial education and social justice - how we deliver on the ILO mandate
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Financial education and social justice - how we deliver on the ILO mandate

On 27 April 2023, the ILO's Social Finance Programme organized the webinar "Financial education and social justice - how we deliver on the ILO mandate".

AUC-ILO Africa Forum on Child Labour “Harnessing Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives to address Child Labour”
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ACCEL Africa

AUC-ILO Africa Forum on Child Labour “Harnessing Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives to address Child Labour”

The main objective of the event is to support the implementation of the African Union’s “Ten Year Action Plan to Eradicate Child Labour, Forced Labour, Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery”.

Regional policy dialogue on youth employment in the rural economy
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Regional policy dialogue on youth employment in the rural economy

Regional policy dialogue on youth employment in the rural economy

The main objective of the Regional policy dialogue is to reaffirm the commitment of the ILO and IFAD to promote decent jobs in Africa, in particular for young women and men in rural areas, with the start of the ProAgro YOUTH project.

ACCEL Africa Regional Conference: Knowledge Sharing for Partnerships on the Elimination of Child Labour in Supply Chains
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ACCEL Africa Regional Conference: Knowledge Sharing for Partnerships on the Elimination of Child Labour in Supply Chains

Strengthening apprenticeship systems in the informal economy in Africa to promote quality, innovation and transitions to formality
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Regional workshop

Strengthening apprenticeship systems in the informal economy in Africa to promote quality, innovation and transitions to formality

High level panel on Migrant workers' contribution to the development of the African continent
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ILO- ITUC Africa

High level panel on Migrant workers' contribution to the development of the African continent

As part of the commemoration of International Migrant Day 2022, the ILO, in collaboration with ITUC-Africa, organises a High-Level Panel to emphasise migration's contribution to development and to empower migrant workers.

African Regional Meeting in preparation for the 21st ICLS & Regional Capacity Building on Statistics concerning Child Labour and Social Protection
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African Regional Meeting in preparation for the 21st ICLS & Regional Capacity Building on Statistics concerning Child Labour and Social Protection

The main purpose of the Preparatory Regional Meeting is to bring the consultation and technical discussions to countries in Africa, to ensure that the revised draft standard to be prepared by the ILO adequately reflects the labour markets and labour force data priorities of countries in the region.

Atelier de validation du « Guide des droits du travailleur ivoirien »
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Droits des travailleurs

Atelier de validation du « Guide des droits du travailleur ivoirien »

Cet atelier permettra de recueillir les commentaires des travailleurs en vue de les intégrer et de valider le guide des droits du travailleur ivoirien.

Africa marked the World Day Against Child Labour in Africa and the Day of the African Child!
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Africa marked the World Day Against Child Labour in Africa and the Day of the African Child!

The African Union, ILO and UNICEF held a virtual Continental event to mark the World Day against Child Labour. The event brought together key actors, who discussed strategies to address child labour, taking a holistic and systemic approach based on the 2020 Global Estimates on Child Labour and related recommendations, which had been launched by the ILO and UNICEF on 10 June.

Africa regional launch of the Climate Action for Jobs Initiative and “the social dimension of the ecological transition” project
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ILO Green Week and Earth Day 2021

Africa regional launch of the Climate Action for Jobs Initiative and “the social dimension of the ecological transition” project

In the context of the ILO’s Green Week and this year’s Earth Day, the ILO and its tripartite constituents will host a regional launch of the Climate Action for Jobs Initiative. The event will also launch the social dimension of the ecological transition project on advancing climate action, a just transition, and decent work in Africa.

Direct and indirect effects of a subsidized apprenticeship program
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ILO Research Department Seminar

Direct and indirect effects of a subsidized apprenticeship program

Evaluations of employment programs usually focus on direct impacts on participants, but potential indirect effects are rarely quantified. This paper analyzes how the introduction of a subsidized apprenticeship program in Côte d’Ivoire impacts youths’ decision to enter apprenticeship and firms’ demand for apprentices in the short-term.

Workshop on Quality Apprenticeships in West Africa
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Workshop on Quality Apprenticeships in West Africa

This three-day workshop, organized as part of the Global Initiative for Decent Youth Employment, examined the challenges and opportunities for a quality apprenticeship system in the six participating countries in West Africa.

Launch of How Immigrant Contribute to Côte d'Ivoire's Economy in Abidjan (ECLM project)
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Launch of How Immigrant Contribute to Côte d'Ivoire's Economy in Abidjan (ECLM project)

An event was held in Abidjan on 29 March 2018 to launch the report, <a target="" href="/global/topics/labour-migration/publications/WCMS_625230">How Immigrants Contribute to Côte d'Ivoire's Economy</a>. The report was produced in the context of the project "Assessing the economic contribution of labour migration in developing countries as countries of destination" (ECLM). The agenda for this event will be available soon.

Sub-Saharan African Tripartite Workshop on Occupational Safety and Health in the Oil and Gas Industry
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Sub-Saharan African Tripartite Workshop on Occupational Safety and Health in the Oil and Gas Industry

Abidjan to host the regional consultation on SDG Alliance 8.7 in Africa
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Abidjan to host the regional consultation on SDG Alliance 8.7 in Africa

The first sub regional consultation on ending forced labour, modern slavery, human trafficking and child labour will be held in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, from 8-9 September 2016 in the presence of Ms Dominique Ouattara, First Lady of Côte d’Ivoire

Workshop to prepare for a Sector Study in Côte d'Ivoire (ECLM project)
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Workshop to prepare for a Sector Study in Côte d'Ivoire (ECLM project)

A Workshop was held in Abidjan from August 15 - 19 in the context of the project "Assessing the economic contribution of labour migration in developing countries as countries of destination" (ECLM). The Workshop was organized in collaboration with the Laboratoire de Sociologie Economique et d'Anthropologie des Appartenances Symboliques (LAASSE), Université FHB d'Abidjan, and discussed the implementation of a study of the agriculture and trade sectors. The agenda for the workshop can be downloaded below.

Workshop on Evidence from Randomized Control Trials in Youth Employment
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Workshop on Evidence from Randomized Control Trials in Youth Employment

This workshop provided a platform to share findings from recently completed impact evaluations of youth employment programmes, focusing on public works, skills development and entrepreneurship.

Artists in Côte d’Ivoire formed a chorus against child labour
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Songs against child labour

Artists in Côte d’Ivoire formed a chorus against child labour

Artists formed a “Choeur pour l’abolition du travail des enfants” and on December 2, they will sign a Charter denouncing child labour in Côte d’Ivoire and calling for action to end it.